Codinor metal bellows manufacturing systems

Bellows manufactured by the “roller lamination” system
In this process forming of the metal bellows by the mechanical disk system (rollers), the rolling tools are milling the waves in the cylinder.
Bellows manufactured by the expanded system.
The bellows manufactured by Codinor by this method have a high elasticity and bending capacity. These processes are made up by two different parts, the first part in which the different waves are formed in the ferrule and the second part is the final finishing process by rolling and calibrating of the waves. In this system the waves are individually shaped.
Hydraulic bellows formation.
Codinor hydro-forming bellows have high elasticity, high flexural capacity and high resistance to high pressure and vacuum. They are totally hermetic and resistant to low and high temperatures. In this system, all the convolutions are formed at the same time.